In 1931, Winston Churchill predicted that the earth would be consuming lab-grown meat by the 1980s. Although his timing was off by four decades, his prediction was not. As the world struggles to meet the needs of 9-10 billion mouths by 2050, while simultaneously addressing the negative environmental impacts of factory farming, food is increasingly becoming a product of human design— the first cultured meat products are expected to appear in supermarkets as soon as 2021.
Mosa Meat “clean” hamburger
Mosa Meat
It has been suggested that cultured meat is livestock agriculture’s lab-based response to the vertical farming movement. Meat is “grown” from animal muscle cells through tissue culture in controlled laboratory conditions. These are then combined with fat cells and additives for texture, flavour and colour. The cell-to-fork process takes two to six weeks.
With livestock farming accounting for close to 18% of all greenhouse emissions, monopolizing 70% of all arable land and 46% of all crop-production for feed, and with an expected increase of 73% in global demand for meat products to 2050, the development of clean meat is timely.
According to Maastricht University in the Netherlands, cells from a single cow can produce 175 million quarter-pounders, while traditional farming methods would need 440,000 cows for the same output. Because cell culture is a sterile process, there is no need for antibiotics and since the fat and cholesterol levels of cultured meats can be controlled, there are also positive health implications.
On an intuitive level, eating lab-grown meat also makes environmental sense; the significant contribution of livestock farming to climate change and environmental degradation has been established. According to clean meat producer, Mosa Meats, the cultured meat process requires 99% less land and 96% less water than livestock agriculture and a 2018 report from the Good Food Institute indicates that exclusive consumption of cultured meat could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 74 to 87% versus traditional beef.
Despite these assertions, the potential temperature impacts in the production of cultured meat production have yet to be thoroughly investigated and scientists continue to debate the environmental impacts of the industrial systems required to produce synthetic meat. Many have argued that replacing biology with industry may in fact be more energy intensive and that the CO2 produced by labs is problematic, as it remains in the atmosphere for thousands of years in comparison to the methane produced by cows that remains in the atmosphere for twelve years. (Frontiers for Sustainable Food Systems, February 2019)
The journey to mass production continues to be in its early stages. Scientists have been vocal about the challenges associated with replicating the texture, and flavour of beef from cattle and there continue to be issues surrounding the production of cultured meat in a cost-effective, scalable manner. The very first lab-grown burger, produced in 2013 cost $1.2 million per pound, with a single burger requiring billions of cells. According to scientists, the very expensive process of cell production will continue to make clean meat cost prohibitive to consumers for at least the next decade, until technology catches up.
And what about the social acceptability of eating cultured meat? A self-designed online poll conducted across a geographically broad demographic yielded several hundred answers in 3-days and revealed a predominantly negative perception surrounding lab-grown meat. Approximately 57% of respondents stated that they would not be interested in consuming synthetic meat, with many expressing suspicion of the new trend, indicating, “I would not consume anything made in a lab. It’s not natural and could end-up damaging our health” or “People need to move to a plant-based diet and if they eat meat they should eat it from an organic, sustainable source.” Other, more enthusiastic respondents stated “Sure I would! But it has to taste good” and “Meat is meat. If no suffering and I get my energy I buy it. I would even pay more for it!!”
Globally, there have been geographic discrepancies in acceptance. In February 2019, a global survey funded by the Animal Advocacy Research Fund revealed that 29.8% of U.S. consumers, 59.3% of Chinese consumers, and 48.7% of Indian consumers would be very/ extremely willing to regularly purchase cell-based meat.
Corporate and VC response to the clean meat movement tells a speculatively optimistic story. In 2018, cultured meat companies raised $50 million in capital across 14 deals and in May 2019, Israeli cultured meat start-up Aleph Farms raised $12 million in Series A funding. There are currently 9 cell-culturing companies in the United States and another 17 worldwide, with a few companies potentially set to emerge in China.
If it is successful in achieving mass acceptance, clean meat will revolutionize the food and agriculture industry. A.T. Kearny has projected that the market share of traditional meat will drop to 40% in relation to synthetics over the next 20 years, resulting in a reduction in the number of cows from 1.2 billion to 30,000 worldwide (Mosa Meats).
With investors such as Bill Gates, Richard Branson and agriculture giant Cargill backing the trend it may only be a matter of time before consumer perception will adjust.